The ModelGuid Browser allows you to extract all Guids of all Models from your Official and Community Folder of all BGL files. Have a look into the names and pathes and select them for LibraryObjects

Filter | Enter a Full-Text Filter inside of the loaded models |
Name | The name of the model inside of the BGL |
Guid | The Guid of the Model. This is used for LibraryObjects |
Path | The relative Path to your MSFS base path |
If you open the window for the very first time, you need to read the BGL files of your sim. Click on then “Read BGL” Button. You need to read the BGL after each Sim Update or of you add/remove models from your Community Folder.
Open the Context-Menu (right mouse button) to convert and export a model from the BGL file into a common 3D model format:

Export glTF
This will export the model in all included LOD as glTF.
glTF (derivative short form of Graphics Language Transmission Format or GL Transmission Format) is a standard file format for three-dimensional scenes and models.
BushTripInjector will place also all textures and binary buffers for reading the glTF in external 3D applications. Most of the MSFS models are using Microsoft and Asobo extensions. You need to install those extension in your preferred 3D Viewer or Editor.
Export GLB
This will export the model in all included LOD as GLB. GLB is the binary format of glTF and includes the binary buffers. As glTF, GLB can refer to external textures, images and more.
BushTripInjector will place all textures, images and other external resources in the same directory to open the GLB in 3D viewer and editors. Most of the MSFS models are using Microsoft and Asobo extensions. You need to install those extension in your preferred 3D Viewer or Editor.